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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Monday, October 26, 2015

Questions about "The Bard"

Also, many of you had questions for me about Shakespeare and while I try to answer them I'm far from a Shakespeare expert.

I invite you to contact David Crystal. He (and his son) wrote the Shakespeare dictionary we have in class. He's a brilliant scholar, but very into getting in touch with people and being a public figure. You might mention again that you're writing from Bogotá, Colombia. As I said, he´s visited so he might make a connection with you based on that visit.

Questions about "Barnes" by Edmundo Paz Soldán

I was thinking about what many of you said about the character´s name in this short story. Why not email the author? He´s a professor at Cornell. I invite you to send questions to him there. I would be sure to mention that you´re a student living in Colombia. He might be more apt to respond. Here´s his  profile page at Cornell. 

Tonight's Assignment

Continue to work on Task 3, as assigned by the Earl of Leicester. I will be pulling you aside and asking you to interpret one line, and explain your delivery of that line.

Complete your logs for Act III.i.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Shakespeare Is Catholic (or Not)

Some of us were talking about Shakespeare´s religious views. I found this Wikipedia article that cleared up a lot of mixed-up notions I had.

O, What a Rogue! Homework

This weekend watch these three performances of II.ii.576-634 of Hamlet. In an entry in your log play close attention to how some of the words are pronounced and how that changes the meaning. Try drawing conclusions about how each of these actors interpreted Hamlet.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Tonight´s Homework

Tonight read II.i.1-134 and watch this performance of it. When done write one LOG entry for the scene. We´ll start tomorrow´s class by reading them.

Shakespeare Points Anyone?

Someone asked me in class about when Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. It just so happens a book was recently written that describes that year in his life.

If you read it, I will grant you Shakespeare Points. These would be averaged in with the rest of your grades.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Instructions for Hamlet Log

See them here.
If you haven´t already, make sure you understand and can paraphrase every line of your scene. Understanding the bigger picture and figurative language would be outstanding (4-level). I will be checking your understanding. This might be a good time to research your scene and annotate it. I recommend printing out a copy to use in class. This way you will be able to make notes on it.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Task 1 Hamlet

Watch the following video. Follow the Earl of Leicester's instructions carefully.

Our performance will most likely be afterschool November 5th. Your groups and scenes are as follows:

Daniela C., Alejandro B.

Kelly, Lorenzo

The rest of the class


The entire class

Mateo G, Santiago A. Nicolas Arc.

Elena N., Nicolas Alv.

Catalina, Carlos A., Mateo C., Mackenzie

Alejandro L., Felipe S., Alejandro R.

Camila M., Sofia C., Mateo O., Nicolas Alv., Laura A.

You have the entire period to read your scenes as many times as necessary in order to understand the scene.