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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Stranger It Is

Image result for the stranger albert camus

We've all chosen to read Albert Camus's The Stranger. The reading goal decided on for next class was the first two chapters.

What should we read next?


Here is the recipe we'll follow to make Gingernut's favorite office treats!

Monday, August 26, 2019

Reading Conferences

We'll be having reading conferences (formative) during the next two classes. Be sure to bring your copy of Bartleby. Here is the rubric I'll be using for our discussions.

Bartleby (2001)

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Weekend Reading

While reading Bartleby the Scrivener by Herman Melville be sure to use post-its to slow down your reading, making inferences, noting figurative elements, etc. We´ll conference about the book next week.

Image result for melville bartleby comic

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Discussion of "A Hunger Artist" by Franz Kafka (formative)

On Thursday, we'll have our first discussion of "A Hunger Artist" by Franz Kakfa. While reading please be sure to highlight and annotate. This will aid you in our discussion of the work. You can find the rubric that will be used in your evaluation here.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Weekend Reading

Please read this short story by Jamaica Kincaid. Make as many inferences as you can.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Watch Alex Dang's performance of his poem "Michael Derrick Hudson Changes His Name to Ngoc Tran ". What kind of tone does his delivery underline? How does his reaction to the use of a pseudonym in this case relate to the theme of our unit, Questioning the Answers? 

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Life Skills Homework

Please bring in an 8 x 11 notebook. We're going to decorate and personalize them so you don't have to worry about it. This will count towards your Responsibility and Organization.

Welcome to AP LIT

Don´t be scared away by the exclamation mark. This is Literature! - with a capital L and exclamation mark because we are going to be excited by literature this semester, with everything from song-writing to acting to watching TV, oh, and in the meantime analyzing and writing about our analysis. This class will teach you how to read and interpret anything from Hollywood movies to interpretive dance although mainly, you will understand and enjoy literature. Additionally, your understanding and use of the English language will improve.

This is a college-level course and as such, there will be college-level reading. Sometimes there will be choice. Other times, we will be reading books together. Some of these books will have  mature themes. In the end, this class will not only give you the analytic skills to read the world but additionally think about the world morally and emotionally. There will also be some humor, as that too is a part of life. Laugh, cry, whine - we hope to do it all this semester.