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Thursday, September 29, 2016

Questions for the Danger of a Single Story

  1. What kind of stories did Adichie write as a child?
  2. Who’s story does Adichie not hear during her childhood?
  3. What does Adichie mean by “patronizing pity”?
  4. Why does Adichie’s roommate think of Africa as a country?
  5. Define “fleecing the health care system”?
  6. Explain her historical allusions.
  7. Why does Adichie say that a stereotype is incomplete?
  8. What is the single story of Colombia? Are there other single stories in your life?


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  2. What kind of stories did Adichie write as a child?
    She wrote stories of foreigners: white people with blue eyes who drank ginger beer.

    Who’s story does Adichie not hear during her childhood?
    She didn’t hear any african stories where color people where protagonists, where the characters were people she could identify with.

    What does Adichie mean by “patronizing pity”?
    She meant that the pity was the only image that can be seen. It’s the only side of the story that the western world had heard of Africa. It was the stereotype she had gained.

    Why does Adichie’s roommate think of Africa as a country?
    Because she has generalized all of Africa into one sad, desperate, poor place since coverage of African countries usually covers just that, and skips over all the positives.

    Define “fleecing the health care system”?
    By “fleecing the healthcare system” Chimamanda refers to the common idea that mexicans go to the US and take advantage of the health care benefits, taking them away from from more ‘deserving’ americans.

    Explain her historical allusions.
    Chimamanda alludes to John Locke, who visited Western Africa and wrote about the people who he encountered and how they lived their lives. He sets the foundation for the stereotypes about African people. She also alludes to the 13 colonies, when the British first arrived to America as well as mentioning failed African states.

    Why does Adichie say that a stereotype is incomplete?
    She says that stereotypes are incomplete because they show only one side of the story, they show an incomplete reality.

    What is the single story of Colombia? Are there other single stories in your life?
    Colombia has gained a single story that describes the country as a violent, drug trafficking one. Instead of being famous for its beauty, nature, diversity, and amazing cultures, the news and media have only delivered the bad news to the world.

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  4. What kind of stories did Adichie write as a child?
    She would write stories about white children, foreigners, people talking about the weather, but nothing that was actually related to her.
    Who’s story does Adichie not hear during her childhood?
    She doesn’t hear her own story, nothing related to her or where she lived, or her culture.
    What does Adichie mean by “patronizing pity”?
    People around the world have a single story for people who come from Africa and they think that they should always feel pity for them.
    Why does Adichie’s roommate think of Africa as a country?
    Africa has such a big single story because very few people know anything more than the single story that it is often viewed as a single country and not lots of separate ones.
    Define “fleecing the health care system”?
    It is a common idea that Mexicans go to the Us and take advantage of some of their commodities such as their health care system.
    Explain her historical allusions.
    She makes an allusion to John Locke who goes to Africa and calls them animals and half devil half children. This just shows that since the beginning people have had single stories.
    Why does Adichie say that a stereotype is incomplete?
    Stereotypes are not the full picture of a society or a group of people.
    What is the single story of Colombia? Are there other single stories in your life?
    Colombia’s single story is about narco trafficking, cocaine, and guerilla. Other single stories that we face are CNG because people classists and gomelos.

  5. A. She would write stories about white children, foreigners, and foreign subjects such as the weather. Things that weren’t related to her.
    B. She doesn’t hear the story of her childhood or the African culture.
    C. That people have certain information and assumptions about people that are different from them and they only see these stereotypes.
    D. Africa has a common “single story” so people just assume that it is all one country when in fact they have any cultures and each country has its individual traits that sets it apart.
    E. An idea that claims Mexicans would go to the US and take advantage of health benefits.
    F. She alludes to John Locke’s reference to Africans and animals.
    G. A stereotype is just an image that gets to the outside about a culture or place. It is not the wholesome vision it is just a “single story”.
    H. The single story of Colombia is that we are all narcotrafficking guerrilla people that live in the Jungle. I also have a single story of CNG is that we are bad people, classist, gomelos.

  6. What kind of stories did Adichie write as a child?
    Adichie only read British and American stories, and didn’t know anything beyond that. Therefore, she would write stories that fit that model. Also, she’d write stories about the weather and white children, things that didn’t relate to her life in Nigeria.
    Who’s story does Adichie not hear during her childhood?
    She never hears the stories of the Nigerian people, or those who shared her culture and lifestyle. She only heard European stories.
    What does Adichie mean by “patronizing pity”?
    She means that her roommate referred to her as if she was better than her, or was nice to her with a sense of superiority.
    Why does Adichie’s roommate think of Africa as a country?
    She thinks that they’re uncivilized, and that the entire continent is the same. This is because of the stereotypical ideas that the west has about Africa. They imagine the whole country as a place of beautiful landscapes, animals, and incomprehensible people fighting and dying.
    Define “fleecing the health care system”?
    This means that the Mexicans go to the States and take advantages of the health care benefits.
    Explain her historical allusions.
    She quotes John Locke, who said that if you want to take away someone’s power, start their story with “secondly”. This means that stories change depending on whose story you focus on, or who you shift the power to. She also alludes to the 13 colonies, as well as African colonialism.
    Why does Adichie say that a stereotype is incomplete?
    She says that they only show one of the story. They show a partial reality.
    What is the single story of Colombia? Are there other single stories in your life?
    The single story of Colombia is that it is a jungle full of drugs and guerilla.

  7. Questions for the Danger of a Single Story

    What kind of stories did Adichie write as a child?
    She wrote stereotypical stories that she read from the British which were about white people and with very typical themes she had read in other famous stories
    Who’s story does Adichie not hear during her childhood?
    She hadn’t heard stories about Africans or Nigerians like herself.
    What does Adichie mean by “patronizing pity”?
    By patronizing pity she meant how people usually feel pity for others before even seeing them just because someone lives in a different condition. When you know only one story you may pity others.
    Why does Adichie’s roommate think of Africa as a country?
    She thinks of Africa as a country since she always hears about problems in Africa generally and how they generalize all that happens there.
    Define “fleecing the health care system”?
    In her speech she means that fleecing the health care system is stealing health care from the U.S
    Explain her historical allusions.
    She makes allusions to many stories about successful people in Nigeria, which people outside Nigeria didn’t know. She made allusion to books and foreign authors she read.
    Why does Adichie say that a stereotype is incomplete?
    A stereotype is incomplete since it is only a single story that only explains one part of something, everything is made up of many different stories.
    What is the single story of Colombia? Are there other single stories in your life?
    Usually the single story of Colombia is drugs and Narco Trafficking, violence, and poverty. Sometimes people create stereotypes or single stories about us in CNG without even knowing us, saying that we are all really classist.
