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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Questions for Theme Groups (In Class)

From the Women's Point of View:
A. Identify the key scenes for female characters.
B. Perform a close reading on two moments (various words within).
C. What is the question relating to craft that you're able to come up with?
D. What is Shakespeare saying about women? About women under society's pressures?

From Hero Studies
A. Define "hamartia".
B. What is Hamlet's character flaw?
C. How does this flaw keep him from completing his task?
D. Why does Hamlet look up to Fortinbras?
E. In the end, is Hamlet a hero? Why? Why not?

From Words and Actions:
A. Identify lines in which the word "word" is used.
B. Perform a close reading of the text.
C. How doe this relate to the action?
D. In the end who is the victor, actions or words?

From Hamlet and His Foils:
A. Who is most similar to Hamlet in this play?
B. Identify scenes in which Hamlet interacts with them.
C. Perform a close reading of these lines.
D. What characteristics do these foils bring out about Hamlet? What do we realize about Hamlet when we compare the two?

From Hamlet v. MacBeth
A. Describe these two protagonists.
B. Structurally how are these two characters designed differently?
C. How do these two characters die?
D. What do their deaths mean?

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