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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Today's Classwork

Dear Class(es):

Today I’ll be out of class as I’m participating in a workshop (on campus).
So, I’ve created some activities in preparation for my favorite holiday: Valentine’s Day. Complete each of the follow.

A.      Read “Measure” by Zareh Khrakhouni. Answer all the corresponding question.
B.      Read “Is Arranged Marriage Really Any Worse Than Craiglist” (page 701). Answer all the corresponding questions.
C.      Read “Boyfriend” by Randall Monroe. Answer the corresponding questions.
D.      Choose any two tasks from “Entering the Conversation”. Complete them on a separate piece of paper (real or digital).
E.       With any extra time you may work on your short story revisions, due Thursday. You must have them either printed or on your computer. Anyone who does not have the story in class will have to stay afterschool Thursday.

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