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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Hamlet Performance Postponed

To allow you extra time to rehearse, given all of our missed class, we´re going to re-schedule our play for Tuesday, December 6th.

A Victorian Rendition of Ophelia´s Suicide

painting by John Everett Millais

Task 4

Bring in your costume and props for Task 4 on Monday, December 5th. These should reflect an overall theme. 

Read Now

Go to this page. Click on "Look inside here". Read the first two pages (around three paragraphs).

Monday, November 28, 2016

Reminder: Script and Books

Please remember to bring your script and Hamlet book to class everyday this week. 

Note: you'll need it for our timed writing Hamlet exam on Thursday. 

Scrapbooks Due Thursday

Your scrapbooks with all entries will be due Thursday. Please turn them in that day, in class, under Shakespeare, next to inbox.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thanksgiving Homework

In addition to memorizing and practicing your part, you should read while listening to this audio version of V.i of Hamlet (from 3:08:00 on (you should here music)).

Create a scrapbook entry for this scene by next class.

ARRIVAL: a one-time offer

For those interested in science fiction, or film, or just looking to improve their average (this counts as a formative assignment in which you will likely receive a 4) you can complete the following task.

1. Read Ted Chang's "Story of Your Life".

2. See "Arrival" and keep ticket stub.

3. Record a fifteen minute conversation between you and a friend about it.

You might want to discuss the role of language in the work, the work as metafiction, the use of second person and its translation to the screen, or something else literary that I haven't thought of.

4. Upload audio to your blog.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Scrapbook Entry for "To Be or Not to Be" Soliloquy

Scrapbook Entry for "To Be or Not to Be" Soliloquy should be completed in addition to last scene.
Hamlet v. Hamlet
"Interrogatory No. 1: To be, or not to be: that is the question: 
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows 
of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
and by opposing end them?
Answer: Defendant objects to Interrogatory No. 1 on the ground
 that it is overly broad, unduly burdensome and not reasonably calculated 
to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence to the extent it seeks to 
answer one of life’s unanswerable metaphysical questions. Defendant 
further objects on the ground that Int. No. 1 is too vague and ambiguous
 to permit a meaningful response due to the variation in the type of slings 
and arrows, and the unknown skill with which outrageous fortune may wield such."
From here. 

Shakespeare in Translation

Much of Shakespeare goes over our heads because, even though we recognize the words, their meaning often has changed significantly over the past four centuries.For those struggling with some of the writing in Hamlet. In December I thought we might debate this ourselves - after performing Shakespeare.

Check out this article for a start.

Themes for Your Scenes

Choose one of the following themes that you want to be evident in your production of a scene of Hamlet:

- state surveillance
- seeming v. being
- misogyny
- action v. words
- the inconceivability of death

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Poetry Lab December 1st

We will have a poetry lab with a special guest on December 1st, 2:15pm in H301.

We'll be talking to a poet about her own poem. Poem to be announced.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Scrapbook Entry for III.i

Please complete a scrapbook entry for III.i of Hamlet.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Shakespeare Scene Performance Re-scheduled

Due to Binationals, we're going to change our date for the Shakespeare Scene.

It will now be at 2:15pm November 30th - room TBD.

Task 3 Hamlet

This will be due in class on Friday.

Various Versions of "Oh, what a rogue and peasant slave I am" soliloquy

Watch them all here.

Homework This Weekend

XCOPY internet surveillance nsa

In addition to completing Task 3 (to be assessed next Thursday) read the essay on pages 323- 7 in your edition of Hamlet in preparation for a Socratic Seminar to be formatively graded (Tuesday).

Friday, November 4, 2016

Dickinson Quiz on Tuesday

We will have a quiz on Emily Dickinson's "Success is counted sweetest..." in class on Tuesday.

I suggest that you print out a copy of the poem to aid you in the annotation process. You won't be able to use your notes for the quiz, so please review "alliteration".

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Hamlet Task 1 Due Friday

Please be prepared to demonstrate your completion of Hamlet Task 1. I'll ask you a question about the scene. This will be a formative assessment. 

For Students Who Went to ARTBO

For those of you who went to ARTBO, you are responsible for all of the material covered in your absence - as I only saw two of you at Opportunity Day.