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Thursday, January 19, 2017

Over-the-Weekend Assignment

This weekend we have two reading assignments.

1 - Meet your group's reading goal. Use your post-its or other electronic versions of such, as I may use these in a "Read Now" activity.

2 - Read "For the Student Strikers" in preparation for an in-class fishbowl discussion Monday. You may want to copy, paste and print out for class.

For the Student Strikers
By Richard Wilbur

Go talk with those who are rumored to be unlike you,
And whom, it is said, you are so unlike.
Stand on the stoops of their houses and tell them why
You are out on strike.

It is not yet time for the rock, the bullet, the blunt         5
Slogan that fuddles the mind toward force.
Let the new sound in our streets be the patient sound
Of your discourse.

Doors will be shut in your faces, I do not doubt.
Yet here or there, it may be, there will start,                10
Much as the lights blink on in a block at evening,
Changes of heart.

They are your houses; the people are not unlike you;
Talk with them, then, and let it be done
Even for the grey wife of your nightmare sheriff        15
And the guardsman’s son.

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