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Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Discussion questions for Battle of Algiers

Image result for battle for algiers

Gillo Pontecorvo – director
Characters       FLN (National Liberation Front)- Ali La Pointe, Lhedi Djafar, Ben M’Hidi
French - Philippe Mathieu

1.      In the beginning we see the FLN talking about dialogue and negotiation. At the same time, we see it taking steps to strengthen itself among the community and become the dominant party of resistance. What are some of these steps the FLN takes? Sketch one shot or take a picture of one shot that supports your claim.

2.      What strategies does the FLN use to wage its campaign? How do these change over time? Who is involved in the fight? If we were to think of this in terms of escalating ACTS OF RESISTANCE on the FLN’s side, and ACTS OF RESPONSE on the French side, what would we describe? Sketch one shot or take a picture of one shot that supports your claim.

3.      What FUNCTION do these sorts of tactics seem to have? What impacts do they have? Do these impacts include the furthering of FLN goals? Sketch one shot or take a picture of one shot that supports your claim.

4.      What is the function of everyday people (the community) in this battle? How is “the community” perceived by both sides? Use two shots to support your claim.

5. Are there good guys and bad guys in this movie? What thoughts or lessons might we take away from the film regarding wars of liberation.? Can you relate this to Henrik Ibsen’s “An Enemy of the People”?

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