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Monday, October 3, 2016

Exam on Wednesday

In class on Wednesday we'll have an exam on The Awakening. You'll be given a piece of text by Chopin and have to perform a close reading.

You'll be graded with the following rubric:

Understanding of Chopin
Student expressed her/his/their deep understanding of the passage (linking form to content).
Student expressed a valid understanding of the passage, relating it to author’s craft sometimes.
Student expressed an understanding of the passage which lacked depth, and/or author’s craft.
Student did not express her/his understanding of the passage clearly.
Use of quotations
Student incorporated text into analysis seamlessly.
Student incorporated text into analysis using the correct format. There are no floating quotations.
Student incorporated text into argument haphazardly.
Student did not incorporate text into his/her argument.
Grammar and mechanics
Student consistently wrote in formal diction had no sentence fragments.
Student somewhat consistently wrote in formal diction had little or no sentence fragments.
Student occasionally  wrote in formal diction had little or had some sentence fragments.
Student wrote in informal diction or ceremonial diction or had many sentence fragments.

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