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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Today´s Plan

I´m in an English Department training session today.

In my absence, you must complete the following:

1 - In preparation for our Mock Exam let´s practice one timed writing exercise and compare it to College Board examples (with scores). You´ll also be receiving a formative grade based on peer review (with my oversight). Today you must leave your completed essay in the AP Lit Inbox when finished. You have 50 minutes to complete the task. Remember: at least ten minutes for reading the work, then writing. 

2- When finished, you meet with your reading group and together use three post-its to foment conversation about your text. Paste photos of the post-its on your blogs.

Good news: no homework - except for continue to think about and work on your sound poems.

By the way, this is a pic of Jose Garcia Villa. He's looking quite the "emperor"!

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